D I V I N G  I N T O  G O D ' S  W O R D

Transformational Change

“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.” - D.L. Moody

This transformation is happening in students of all ages and backgrounds
when they let God’s Word become the foundation of their lives.

E X P E R I E N C E  G O D ' S  W O R D  D E E P E R


Old Testament
The Bible is a beautiful love story of God’s desire to be in relationship with His people! Throughout this class, we will begin to uncover the characteristics of God throughout the metanarrative of the Old Testament and discovering how we can see Jesus throughout the entire Old Testament. We will see how simple the Biblical narrative really is when we understand the foundation of all of it is a God who loves us every minute of our lives.
New Testament
In this class, we will continue to see the beauty of the Biblical narrative through the life of Jesus Christ. The New Testament is filled with practical applications of how we can live a life that helps others Meet Jesus. We will spend time understanding the context around the historical settings that shaped the world that Jesus lived in and really seek to understand the truths that Jesus demonstrated to us during His time on this earth.
Christian Formation & Spiritual Practices
Once we establish a firm understanding of how we have formed our beliefs, we can begin to explore the ways in which we live out our beliefs in the world around us. God created each of us perfectly unique AND we are also created to be in community with others. This class will explore how those two statements can live in harmony in the world. Through readings, teachings, and plenty of in-class discussions, we will see God begin to open our eyes to the beauty of each person’s Kingdom purpose on this earth.
Theology for the Life of the Church
In these diverse classrooms, we are able to get a glimpse of how God created us all with a unique purpose and perspective on this side of Heaven. We will continue to look at how our individual experiences, tradition and reason shape the way we live out our faith - but ultimately come back to Scripture to listen to what God's Truth says about how we should Be Jesus!

Different Journeys to Experience

Spring Class registration is NOW open!

The credit option is ideal for those who have a desire to immerse themselves in learning and growing in God’s Word. Through readings, videos, group discussions, and writing you will grow your relationship with Christ while earning credit that can be used towards ministerial licensing & ordination.
Our enrichment option is best suited for those individuals who are not interested in earning denominational credit, but desire to learn and grow consistently with a community of Christ followers. Each class offered for enrichment will apply toward an Enrichment Certificate in Biblical Studies.

February 4th - March 2nd, 2025
Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm OR Sundays, 2-4:30pm
(childcare offered ONLY on Sundays)

April 1st - May 4th, 2025 (NO Class Easter Week)
Tuesdays, 6:30-9pm OR Sundays, 2-4:30pm
(childcare offered ONLY on Sundays)

GRADUATION: May 18th, 2025

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