L O V I N G  O T H E R S

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L o c a l

We strive to create sustainable, long-term change and restore hope for at-risk youth, families, and communities

G l o b a l

We collaborate with the global church to catalyze the expansion of God’s Kingdom around the world.

“Why are you doing this?” is a question we are often asked.

The answer is simple. We love because Christ has loved us. We serve because Christ has served us. We care for the poor because Christ has served us in our spiritual poverty. Just as Christ was sent into the world for us, we believe we are sent into the world for others.

Showing the Good news of Jesus

We show the good news of Jesus to the vulnerable locally and globally. Biblical scholars have identified the quartet of the vulnerable in Scripture as the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the immigrant (Deuteronomy 10:17-18, Zechariah 7:9-10). Jesus says that how we treat the least of these is how we treat Him (Matthew 25:40). We share the love of Jesus by being Jesus to at-risk children, youth, and communities.

Sharing the good news of Jesus

We share the good news of Jesus locally and globally through church planting and global partnerships. Our God is gathering for Himself a people from all people groups and we are thrilled that He has invited us to join Him in His mission. (Matthew 28:19)