Day 5
Everything changes, doesn’t it? The events of this past year alone prove that.
Consider for a moment some of the most significant changes throughout history. In 1915 the Victor Talking Machine Co. introduced the phonograph. By 1919, Americans had spent more on phonographs than musical instruments, books, periodicals, and sporting goods combined. In 1916 electric clocks were introduced, and the average price of a new car was $600 (my, have things changed). And even though our means of travel was changing rapidly, still by 1930, only one out of five Americans could afford an automobile. In 1927, the first successful demonstration of the television took place in New York City, but you couldn’t actually buy one until the end of WWII – which meant after 1945. By 1950, 9% of homes owned one, but by 1979, it would rise to 98%. Poet Malcolm Cowley was so right: “The world is a scene of change.”
By the way, I think this is what made *Star Trek* so incredibly popular. Who would have thought back then that so much of what seemed fantasy would become reality? In fact, there are only two things still today that have not come into existence. We still cannot beam people up, and there’s still no intelligent life down here (now that’s funny).
But here’s the deal: in a world of change, isn’t it great to know that we have a God who does not? In Malachi we read, *“I the Lord do not change”* (Malachi 3:6). In Hebrews it states that God is *“the same yesterday, today, and forever”* (Hebrews 13:8). And King David wrote, *“You are always the same”* (Psalm 102:27). This is great news, but is it the news you have used?
What are you building your life on? A God that does not change, or a world that never stays the same?
Today’s heroes are tomorrow’s zeros. One day your picture appears on the cover of Fame and Fortune and the very next, it’s in the tabloids of pain and failure.
You see, the enemy’s two favorite days are yesterday and tomorrow – because he knows how quickly everything can change. And yet so many people live there – either reminiscing about all the days gone by, trying to get back those moments of what once was, or spending every present moment speaking into ‘one-of-these’ days. James wrote, *“Don’t boast about tomorrow. You do not even know what will happen tomorrow”* (James 4:14).
Listen, God’s favorite day is today, right now, because today is really all we have. I’m not against making plans for the future, or enjoying a moment down memory lane; we all need to do both. What I’m talking about is making that your lifestyle.
So, for the next few days, we’re going to talk about this God that we can count on in every moment of every day. A God we can build our lives on, Who will never disappoint.
1. What have you based your life on?
2. Do you reflect on yesterday or plan for tomorrow?
3. Since God never changes, how do you need to change to live today as God intended?
*God, I am grateful that You never change. Navigating the world’s changes can be scary, but I know I can depend on You in all circumstances. Thank You for always being there. Amen.*