Day 8: Gratitude

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, He gave them a model that we call the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). This week, we are going to use this prayer as our guide by praying through it one line at a time.

Jesus begins the prayer with, “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name” (Matthew 6:9).

He starts His prayer by looking up and acknowledging that God is our Father in Heaven, which means every good thing we have on this earth is a gift from God. You may have worked really hard to get to where you are today, but the Bible says even the breath you had in your lungs along the way came from God (Isaiah 42:5).

Life is a gift from God. The question is: Are you thankful for it? Before we start asking God for what we don’t have, let’s spend an entire day saying “thank You” for what we do have.

Start thanking God for everything you can think of: your home, your family, your job, your car, your clothes, your food, your friends, your health, your life.

Once you get going, you’ll begin to realize just how many things you have to be thankful for. You may not feel thankful at first, but when you start thanking Him, you’ll realize just how much you have to be thankful for. Soon enough, you’ll feel like the luckiest person on earth.

Prayer: Father, thank You. Thank You for my life. Thank You for all the things you are doing in and through me this year. Thank You for my family and friends and all the people You put in my life to keep me going. Your mercies are made new every morning, so today, I thank You that I have a fresh start, a second chance. Would You show me just how much I have to be thankful for today? In Jesus’ Name, Amen.