Week 2, Day 3
We get to a point in our movie when Captain America, along with half of the Avengers, is about to face off against Iron Man and the other half of the Avengers. It’s cool from a battle-scene standpoint, but it’s quite sad if you think about it. It’s like a marriage that was once strong, now falling apart. The Avengers are crumbling from the inside because they reacted extremely and immediately.
How often do we react like they did? And how do we avoid this? We need to, first of all, stop seeing life as black and white. It is very easy when you disagree with anyone to come into it convinced that you can’t be wrong, and that you won’t change your mind. This is harmful because the conversation was over before it even started. You won’t even attempt to get on the same page as the other person.
“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples.”
John 13:35
Love needs to be how we approach one another. We aren’t known to be Christians by how smart we are, or by our skills, but by LOVE. Authentic love that isn’t dependent on agreeing with one another. Our second statement of caution to avoid civil wars is: Caution Yourself Against having an “I’m Right and You’re Wrong” Mindset.
In becoming a Christian, we die to our opinions and our individualism. We have God’s truth, and we need the others around us, whether we agree on everything or not.
Read 1 John 1:8
-How can you approach the devil’s attempts at civil war with a unity mindset?