We are grateful for your generosity, Celebrate Church! Your faithfulness makes it possible for us to be a church that is innovative and responsive to the needs of our community.

We are grateful for your generosity, Celebrate Church! Your faithfulness makes it possible for us to be a church that is innovative and responsive to the needs of our community.

The Impact of Generosity

Our church believes that generosity is our privilege, and we encourage you to be a part of being Jesus in Sioux Falls and beyond. Your faithfulness makes it possible for us to be a church that is innovative and responsive to the needs of our community.

640 people have taken at least one class with Celebrate Education. 28 people have received a Certificate in Biblical Studies while another 56 people have completed all of the enrichment classes for Biblical Studies.

We offered 3 different parenting discussion panels with over 75 people participating in those events.  We had just under 200 people attend our Marriage Date Night a couple of weeks ago with Ted Cunningham. Just launched our new Marriage Podcast.

22 church plants, over 100 baptized since June 1, 1st grandchild church, with great-grandchild churches coming. 20 Plus couples/individuals walking with for future church plants.

Celebrate Recovery continue going through a step study. There are 28 people engaged in DivorceCare. We just had our 39th child that was adopted by a Celebrate Family towards our goal of 50 adoptions.

Our daycare and preschool both launched on September 5th, 2023. We partnered with Hope Coalition to offer free preschool to 11 families.

At Youth Camp this summer, we had 27 students for the first time MEET JESUS, and many more that made a recommitment to Jesus. Youth had a block party with 260 people attending at the end of August. Almost half were unchurched and we got to meet and invite to Church. We are seeing students feel a call into ministry.

We gave $49,200 to Feeding SD Backpak Program so that no child goes hungry over the summer. Through World Hope International we gave $50,000 to Liberia this year for 3 schools. There are 126 children sponsored by Celebrators.

The Impact of Generosity

Our church believes that generosity is our privilege, and we encourage you to be a part of being Jesus in Sioux Falls and beyond. Your faithfulness makes it possible for us to be a church that is innovative and responsive to the needs of our community.

640 people have taken at least one class with Celebrate Education. 28 people have received a Certificate in Biblical Studies while another 56 people have completed all of the enrichment classes for Biblical Studies.

We offered 3 different parenting discussion panels with over 75 people participating in those events.  We had just under 200 people attend our Marriage Date Night a couple of weeks ago with Ted Cunningham. Just launched our new Marriage Podcast.

22 church plants, over 100 baptized since June 1, 1st grandchild church, with great-grandchild churches coming. 20 Plus couples/individuals walking with for future church plants.

Celebrate Recovery continue going through a step study. There are 28 people engaged in DivorceCare. We just had our 39th child that was adopted by a Celebrate Family towards our goal of 50 adoptions.

Our daycare and preschool both launched on September 5th, 2023. We partnered with Hope Coalition to offer free preschool to 11 families.

At Youth Camp this Summer we had 27 students for the first time MEET JESUS, and many more that made a recommitment to Jesus. Youth had a block party with 260 people attending at the end of August. Almost half were unchurched and we got to meet and invite to Church. We are seeing students feel a call into ministry.

We gave $49,200 to Feeding SD Backpak Program so that no child goes hungry over the summer. Through World Hope International we gave $50,000 to Liberia this year for 3 schools. There are 126 children sponsored by Celebrators.

Questions About Giving?

We would love to answer any questions you have about tithing. Reach out to our offices at 605-357-7067 and ask for our financial team. 

Questions About Giving?

We would love to answer any questions you have about tithing. Reach out to our offices at 605-357-7067 and ask for our financial team.